Friday, February 19, 2016

URANG KITA - Cakap tidak serupa bikin, bikin tidak serupa..!!!

Cakap tidak serupa bikin, bikin tidak serupa..!!!

Sedih dan susah betul dengan "sebilangan orang kita" ini:

- hari-hari merungut;
- hari-hari marah;
- hari-hari berselisih faham;
- hari-hari  bergaduh;
- hari-hari bertegang leher;
- hari-hari  membenci;
- hari-hari menyumpah;
- hari-hari memaki hamun;
- hari-hari mengutuk;
- hari-hari bercerita;
- hari-hari berbuih mulut;
- hari-hari berwhatsapp;
- hari-hari menulis di fb;
- hari-hari bersms;
- hari-hari menelefon;

tentang masalah-masalah Sabah dan BN-UMNO!

Sedih dan susah betul dengan 'sebilangan orang kita' ini, hari-hari marahkan dan persalahkan Kerajaan Pusat BN-UMNO @ Kerajaan Pusat Malaya tentang:

- Keputusan Suruhanjaya  Cobbold;
- Laporan IGC 1962;
- Memorandum 20 Perkara;
- Perjanjian Malaysia 1963;
- Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia 1963

yang tidak dipatuhi dan tidak dilaksanakan oleh Kerajaan Pusat Malaya!

Sedih dan susah betul dengan 'sebilangan orang kita ini', hari-hari marah dan persalahkan Kerajaan BN-UMNO @ Kerajaan Pusat Malaya tentang:

- penjajahan Malaya;
- penindasan Malaya;
- penipuan Malaya;
- kehilangan kuasa kemerdekaan Sabah;
- kehilangan kuasa politik, ekonomi dan sosial Sabah;
- pemesongan fakta sejarah;
- kehilangan tanah-tanah Sabah; 
- kehilangan sumber-sumber kekayaan Sabah;
- kehilangan hasil-hasil cukai Sabah;
- kehilangan minyak petroleum dan gas asli;
- kehilangan tembaga;
- kehilangan kayu balak dan hasil-hasil hutan;
- kehilangan hak-hak perkhidmatan dan perjawatan;
- kehilangan maruah;
- kehilangan jati diri;
- kehilangan nasionalisme;
- kehilangan kedaulatan;
- kehilangan keselamatan;
- kebanjiran warga asing/ PTI;
- Projek IC;
- Projek Sijil Lahir;
- Projek Kewarganegaraan Songsang;
- Projek Pengundi Hantu;
- Projek Pengundi Pos;
- Projek Pengundi Disewa Beli;
- Projek Persempadanan Semula Kawasan Pilihanraya;
- kenaikan harga barangan dan perkhidmatan;
- kenaikan kos bahan api (petrol, diesel dan gas);
- kenaikan cukai- cukai baharu dan cukai GST;
- kenaikan kos sara hidup;
- kemiskinan dan kemunduran;
- jalan raya kerbau;
- ketiadaan jambatan;
-ketiadaan bekalan elektrik dan air;
- ketiadaan hospital dan klinik;
- kekurangan/ ketiadaan bangunan sekolah, rumah guru, kerusi-meja serta ketiadaan  perabot-perabot sekolah;
- ketiadaan pembangunan dan kemajuan;
- kedaifan dan keusangan perumahan rakyat;
- peningkatan kadar pengangguran;
- kemelesetan eknomi negara;

yang disebabkan Kerajaan Pusat BN-UMNO@ Kerajaan Pusat Malaya!

Sedih dan susah betul dengan 'sebilangan orang kita' ini:

- hari-hari cantas mencantas;
- hari-hari buruk-memburuk;
- hari-hari mengata;
- hari-hari jatuh-menjatuh;
- hari-hari pijak-memijak;
- hari-hari kencing-mengencing;
- hari-hari berak-memberak;
- hari-hari  mempersalahkan orang lain;
- hari-hari memburuk-burukkan orang lain;

kerana berebut pengaruh, kuasa dan kedudukan jawatan!

Sedih dan susah betul dengan 'sebilangan orang kita' ini, hari-hari marah tentang:

-   penurunan harga getah;
- penurunan harga kelapa sawit;
- penurunan nilai mata wang 'Ringgit Malaysia';
- penurunan daya saing dan daya beli;
- penurunan pelaburan asing;

yang disebabkan Kerajaan BN-UMNO @ Kerajaan Pusat Malaya!

TETAPI di atas semua itu, apabila ada pemimpin cuba menawarkan diri untuk mengurus, memimpin dan menyelesaikan masalah-masalah di atas,  'sebilangan rakyat kita' ini:

- tidak menghadirkan diri ke mesyuarat;
- tidak menghadiri program-program;
- tidak bekerjasama;
- tidak melibatkan diri;
- tidak mengambil bahagian;
- tidak menyumbang;
- tidak sanggup mengorbankan masa, tenaga, fikiran dan wang ringgit;
- malas dan suka berdalih;
- tidak peduli;
- alasan tiada duit;
- alasan tiada minyak kereta;
- alasan tiada masa;
- alasan sibuk;
- alasan banyak kerja; dan
- memberi seribu satu macam alasan lagi..!!!

MUNGKINKAH 'MEREKA' TUNGGU MALAIKAT  dari syurga datang mengurus, memimpin dan menyelesaikan masalah-masalah 'mereka'..???


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Cukup-Cukuplah Rakyat Sabah Tertipu!

Siapapun calon dari pihak BN pada PRU14 dan seterusnya, asal saja calon parti yang bersekongkol/bersubahat/bekerjasama dengan parti penjajah (BN-UMNO/PR(PH)), kita tetap tolak dan tentang habis-habisan! Sekali lagi, kita mesti tolak dan tentang habis-habisan!

Kita sudah 52 tahun (1963-2015) diperintah, diperalat, dimanipulasi, dipermainkan dan ditindas oleh "penjajah" (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu) yang sebenarnya bertopengkan nama "Persekutuan Malaysia".
  • Cukup-cukuplah penjajahan Malaya itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah kita ditipu dalam IGC 1962, Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia 1963!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Sabah ditipu dalam Memorandum 20 Perkara!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Sabah ditipu dalam Perjanjian Minyak 1976!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Sabah ditipu dalam Pindaan Perlembagaan Negeri Sabah 1994!
  • Cukup-cukuplah kekayaan Sabah dirompak atas nama "Persekutuan Malaysia" dan "Kerajaan Pusat"!
  • Cukup-cukuplah tanah Sabah dirampas, tanah NCR dirampas!
  • Cukup-cukuplah 'Orang Asal Sabah' menjadi pelarian dan pengemis di bumi sendiri!
  • Cukup-cukuplah hak-hak, kuasa dan maruah Negara Bangsa Sabah dicabul!
  • Cukup-cukuplah kebanjiran Warga Asing /PTI itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Projek IC itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Projek Sijil Lahir itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Projek Pengundi Hantu itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Kewarganegaraan Songsang itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah orang Sabah diperkuda, diperalat, dieksploitasi!
  • Cukup-cukuplah orang Sabah dipecah-belahkan, dilaga-lagakan!
  • Cukup-cukuplah penyakit perkauman dan ekstremisme agama yang Malaya bawa ke Sabah!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Malaya rampas hak-hak perkhidmatan dan perjawatan di Sabah!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Malaya membawa agensi-agensi/jabatan-jabatan Persekutuan Malaya ke Sabah!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Malaya mencampuri hal-ehwal politik Sabah!
  • Cukup-cukuplah kenaikan harga barangan dan perkhidmatan!
  • Cukup-cukuplah kenaikan harga bahan api (minyak petrol, diesel dan gas)!
  • Cukup-cukuplah kenaikan kos pengangkutan!
  • Cukup-cukuplah kenaikan kos sara hidup itu!
  • Cukup-cukupkah cukai-cukai pendapatan dan cukai GST itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah penurunan harga getah dan sawit itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah dasar kabotaj yang merugikan Sabah itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah penurunan nilai matawang RM itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah amalan rasuah dan penyalahgunaan kuasa itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah kemunduran dan kemiskinan Sabah itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah menjadi Pak Angguk, Pak Turut, Pak Unta dan Pak Hamba kepada penjajah!
  • Cukup-cukuplah menghidap Penyakit Sidrom Takut dan Penyakit Sindrom Bisu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah mengemis politik dari penjajah!
  • Cukup-cukuplah menjual maruah dan harga diri!
  • Cukup-cukuplah menjual  jati diri dan nasionalisme!
  • Cukup-cukuplah menjual kedaulatan dan keselamatan Negara Bangsa Sabah!
  • Cukup-cukuplah rakyat Sabah bercakaran, bersengketa, bergaduh sesama, bermusuhan sesama, benci-membenci, jatuh-menjatuh, buruk-memburuk, berpuak-puak dan berpecah-belah!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Sabahan mengamalkan 'Budaya dan Mentaliti Tongkuyu' (Ketam)!
  • Cukup-cukuplah menjadi proksi/ejen dan boneka kepada penjajah (Malaya)!
  • Cukup-cukuplah menjadi petualang dan pengkhianat kepada Negara dan Bangsa Sabah!
  • Cukup-cukuplah menjadi penakut,  pengecut, dan dayus!
  • Cukup-cukuplah sistem dan dasar-dasar lama yang jumud dan haprak itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah sistem dan model politik lama yang ketinggalan zaman itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah pemikiran pemimpin dan kerajaan lama yang konservatif, feudal, monarki dan autokratik itu!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Malaya mengubah fakta sejarah kenegaraan Negara Sabah!
  • Cukup-cukuplah Malaya menjajah minda rakyat Sabah melalui sistem pendidikan!
Enough and enough..! We must stop the imperialism and colonizer..!

Tidak guna kita terus-menerus diperintah oleh penjajah dan ejen-ejen penjajah yang telah menjadi pengkhianat kepada Negara dan Bangsa Sabah!

Pemimpin-pemimpin serta parti-parti politik tempatan yang bersekongkol/bersubahat/bekerjasama dengan parti-parti dari Malaya mesti ditolak dan ditentang habis-habisan pada pilihanraya akan datang!

Kehidupan kita hari ini dan generasi yang akan datang bergantung kepada kebijaksanaan dan keputusan politik kita hari ini.

Justeru, berfikirlah! Buat kajian, analisis, penilaian dan keputusan dengan bijak! Kemudian  bertindaklah dengan bijak sebelum terlambat dan sebelum kehilangan semuanya!



Dr. Justin Ingin
CWC & Ketua Bahagian STAR N. 40 Labuk

Land Tribunal and Land Foundation Key to Protecting Native Land Rights

“The Sabah government has a moral and legal duty to protect native land rights and ought to be more proactive to safeguard the native customary rights to land for “land is life” for the indigenous natives in Sabah” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief and Bingkor Assemblyman in supporting whole-heartedly the call by the Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak imploring the government to establish a Land Tribunal to resolve land disputes including empowering the native laws to be on par with the Muslim Syariah law.

The indigenous tribes in Sabah have existed long before other communities, certainly pre-historic compared to the existence of Malaysia which came into being only on 16th September 1963.

For the history buffs, in May 2012, archaeologists led by Prof Dr. Mokhtar Saidin from the Universiti Sains Malaysia Global Archeological Research Centre and members of the Sabah Museum discovered utensils in Kg. Lipasu, in the Bingkor sub-district.  They were said to be more than 200,000 years old, older than the previous known discoveries in Mansuli, Lahad Datu, said to be some 150,000 years old.

Even the United Nations has acknowledged indigenous native rights under the United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People which has been universally adopted by many countries globally.

It is undisputed that the natives in Sabah are losing their customary lands, much of it due to wanton and unwarranted alienation and issuance of land titles to outsiders.  These outsiders get land in the tens of thousands of acres while the land applications of natives of 10-15 acres are not processed for many, many years.   

It was not surprising that the previous Director of Lands and Surveys and State Attorney General had announced that native customary rights did not exist after 1930 which reflected the state of land administration to the detriment of the natives.

As a result, the natives some of whom have been in occupation for generations are hounded out of their own lands with the aid of court orders and the presence of the police and government enforcement agencies.   

More often than not, the natives do not have the resources and ability, especially financially, to fight the injustice caused by the improper alienation of their lands to the outsiders.

The establishment of the SABAH LAND TRIBUNAL to look into, adjudicate and resolve the numerous land problems and disputes has been long overdue and should be a boon for the poor and long suffering native landowners.  And the proposal being repeated by the Chief Justice of Sabah and Sarawak, Tan Sri Richard Malanjun, is timely and should carry due weight and prominence.

“I see no reason why the Sabah government cannot and should not establish the Land Tribunal unless the Sabah government leaders including from the natives communities wish to see the land rights of the indigenous natives wiped out over time” said Dr. Jeffrey.

The British not only deemed it fit to respect native customary rights to land but also made numerous provisions to protect such native rights as can be seen throughout the Land Ordinance.    The same cannot be said of the present Umno-led Barisan Nasional Sabah government.

At the same time, a SABAH NATIVE LAND FOUNDATION should also be established to safeguard and protect native lands and the rights of the natives to their native lands.

All unalienated State land should be declared and designated as “Native Reserves” under Section 78 of the Land Ordinance and placed under the purview of the Native Land Foundation.   Similarly, if the State governments in Malaya can designate lands to be “Malay Reserves”, there is no reason why the Sabah government cannot similarly declare unalienated State lands to be “Native Reserves” unless the leaders have ulterior motives themselves and to deprive the natives of their legitimate land rights.

The declaration of Native Reserves and the Native Land Foundation will in a way prevent the recurrence of the loss of native lands as in Malaya where native customary rights are not recognized.    Over there, the poor Orang Asli, who are the legitimate “bumiputra” indigenous natives are deprived of their lands and very often the lands grabs are by the Umno/BN politicians and their cronies.

In addition, the 30% native requirement for commercial land alienations and plantations should be reserved for the Native Land Foundation which can also assist native landowners in times of need.   In such way, native lands will be preserved and safeguarded and will prevent the natives from being squatters on their own land which is already happening throughout Sabah.

The Sabah government should start cracking and instruct the Attorney General to draft the necessary laws for adoption at the next State Legislative Assembly sitting for the establishment of the Land Tribunal and the Native Land Foundation which is key to protecting native land rights.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
STAR Sabah
23 January 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016

Manufacturing Sector Failure Partly Due to Cabotage

“The Sabah government ought to take a serious look into the cause
of the “failure” of the State’s manufacturing sector and its low GDP contribution rather than putting the blame on others.  If they do investigate, it would not be surprising that one of the contributing factors would be the National Cabotage Policy (NCP)” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief and Bingkor Assemblyman in response to the media report by the Minister of Industrial Development who had weighed in on the cabotage issue.

The Federation of Sabah Industries and its past president, Datuk Seri Wong Ken Thau, have done their homework and had voiced their opinions and suggestions on the abolishment of the NCP so that the manufacturing and industrial sectors in Sabah are not stifled from further growth.  They have also given other suggestions to boost the manufacturing and industrial sectors which include establishment of Kota Kinabalu as the regional shipping hub.

“If the Minister care to check, almost all the cooking oil on the shelves of supermarkets, mini-markets and provision shops in Sabah are manufactured in Malaya”.

“Why is this so when Sabah is the world’s 3rd biggest crude palm oil producer producing some 35% of Malaysia’s output with vast tracts of oil palm plantations spread throughout Sabah?” asked Dr. Jeffrey.

There was an instance of one of the world’s largest factories who wanted to consider setting up a factory in Sabah but eventually was put off by the additional shipping costs, both in bringing some raw material components as well as export of the final products via Port Klang.

There is no dispute to investors and manufacturers alike that the cabotage policy for Sabah and Sarawak need to be abolished.   It may not solve all the problems but at least it is a start which will also reduce some of the unnecessary transhipment costs via Malaya which have contributed to higher costs of goods in Sabah.

It has to be reiterated that if the federal government wish that the cabotage policy be continued, then it should adopt the 1-Country 2-System form of administration and maintain the cabotage policy for the ports in Malaya and exclude the ports in Sabah and Sarawak. 

As rightly pointed out by FSI, the removal of the cabotage policy could also lead to Sabah and Kota Kinabalu or Sepanggar Port being developed into the regional hub of the Far East.  Sadly to say, neither the federal government nor the Sabah government has done anything concrete to turn Kota Kinabalu into the regional hub.

Perhaps, the Minister of Industrial Development could get cracking and initiate moves for the regional hub to be turned into a reality in 2016 and in turn see that the manufacturing and industrial sectors grow and be an engine of growth for Sabah and Sabahans.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
STAR Sabah
15 January 201

Thursday, January 14, 2016

No myth on Cabotage: FSI

The Federation of Sabah Industries (FSI) proposed full liberalisation of the route between Port Klang and KK Port as one of the measures to create a more conducive economic environment for small-medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) in Sabah.

FSI President Datuk Mohd Basri Abd Gafar said the partial liberalisation currently implemented on the route is not sufficient and "the Minister has the power to liberalise the route."

"We are asking for the Port Klang and KK Port route to be exempted from the Cabotage Policy," Mohd Basri said at a press conference here, Wednesday.

He said the policy has affected FSI members where more than 90 per cent of its members are SMEs.

"As such, we believe that the SMEs in Sabah are unable to reach full potential in spite of the abundance of natural resources and strategic geographical location, and are inevitably left out of the regional trade value chain.

"Since Sabah is located the furthest from the centre of activity, it is the worst region in Malaysia affected by the Cabotage Policy…shipping line is our lifeline."

He also said according to studies conducted by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU), the shipping cost in Sabah is RM800 million annually "and if you compare that figure with Sabah's expenditure budget, it is more or less the same."

"Cabotage Policy does not bring benefit to the industry or the majority of the people in Sabah. Its protectionist nature has only benefited the ship owners.

"The policy is lopsided in favour of the peninsula and it is outdated and warrants a review. It also retards the industry's efficiency, competitiveness and development.

"In echoing other trade chambers and associations in Sabah, FSI believes that the policy has directly or indirectly driven up the cost of living in Sabah," Mohd Basri said. As such, FSI proposed the establishment of a realistic timeframe for an eventual abolishment of Cabotage Policy.

"How long will the policy be implemented? We believe that all policies must have timeframes to see their effectiveness and also to conduct reviews on them."

Mohd Basri said Sepanggar Bay Container Terminal (SCBT) should be designated as Malaysia's other transshipment hub to serve the Far East region where Load Equalisation Scheme can be initiated to channel designated goods bound for Port Klang to SBCT to facilitate the hub status.

"The Government should also introduce Freight Equalisation Scheme in the form of cost compensation for Sabah businesses and also establish a Logistics Council to monitor the cost structure and efficiency of shipping companies."

Mohd Basri disclosed, to be more effective, FSI has also established a taskforce on Cabotage to be headed by FSI Honorary Life President Datuk Seri Wong Khen Thau.

"He is the right person for this position and they will conduct discussions with the stakeholders (on the issue)."

Meanwhile, Wong refuted claims made by a certain local exporter, Richard Wong, published in a local newspaper on Tuesday.

In the report, Richard claimed that the opposition and local non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are trying to demonise the Cabotage Policy and spreading rumours about the domestic industry which has resulted in 'myths' on the policy.

"There is no myth in FSI's stance or that of the opposition and NGOs on the Cabotage Policy issues. Instead, the claimant (Richard) had created the myths, judging by his statements.

"FSI has no reason whatsoever in demonising the Cabotage Policy as doing so would not benefit either its members or the people of Sabah," Wong said.

Rather, according to Wong, as a representative of the industry, especially the manufacturers, FSI is one with their feelings and carries their industry grievances and voices across so as to be heard, and so that they can get the help needed, grow, expand and contribute to the State's socio-economic development.
"We wonder whether the claimant is a representative of the shipping companies or an exporter.
"We would appreciate if he is a real".

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ahli Jawatankuasa Majlis Tertinggi Pusat STAR Sabah 2015/16

Ahli Jawatankuasa Majlis Tertinggi Pusat
STAR Sabah 2015/16

1.Datuk Hj. Ismail Gimbad
2. Jackson G. Minto

Pengerusi : YB Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan

T/ Pengerusi:
1. Edward Linggu Bukut
2. Jalumin Bayogoh
3. Kong Fui Seng

Naib Pengerusi:
1. Feddrin Tuliang
2. Evelyn Gobilee
3. Hj. Baharudin Hj. Nayan
4. Jeffrey Kumin@John

Setiausaha: Guandee Kohoi
T/Setiausaha: Ardino Diris
Bendahari: Rubin Guribah
Setiausaha Penganjur: Terence Sinti
Ketua Penerangan: Evelyn Gobile

Ahli Jawatan Kuasa (AJK)
01. Robert Tawik
02. Susy Lojimit
03. Arlinsia Agang
04. Justin Lusah
05. Hjh. Halimah Othman
06. Jafery Jamion
07. Baritus Gungkit@Evaritus
08. Saban Sawayan
09. Lusin Bulangong
10. Hassan Hami
11. Tony Minggir
12. Nassir Samie
13. Joseph Gasis
14. Suwah Buleh
15. Jasmin Dulin
16. G. Jose G. Toledo
17. Bernard Lawrence Solibun
18. Jutirim Galabi
19. Jolly Majalap
20. Richard Katim
21. Clarence Chin
22. Fareed Edison Solimin
23. Nicholas Punai
24. James Bonok
25. Patrick Sikodol
26. Tingkon Bin Penimbol
27. Lojuin Bin Gintoron
28. Trijah@ Rediah Binti Limpakan
29. Rosalind Bion
30. Hairom Bin Datuk Ismail
31. Balon Bin Mujim@ Sylvester
32. V Chong Vin
33. James Ait
34. Fred V. Marukau
35. Johari Pongod
36. Joseph Sabayoi
37. Leo Lidi Okala
38. Willie Arimput
39. Lucy Liskin Batak
40. Justin Ingin
41. Jain Sauting
42. Prof.Dr. Martin Ho
43. Nawawi Saking






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      (BELUM ADA)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

STAR Sabah (State Reform Party)

Parti Reformasi Negeri atau State Reform Party (STAR) ditubuh pada 9 Oktober 1996 oleh Dr. Patau Rubis setelah beliau dipecat dari kabinet negeri Sarawak pada Oktober 1995 dan seterusnya dari Parti Kebangsaan Sarawak (SNAP). Beliau secara rasminya dipilih sebagai Pesiden parti yang pertama di dalam persidangan tiga tahunan parti STAR yang ulung pada 9 Mac 1997.

STAR Sabah
State Reform Party (STAR) Sabah telah dilancarkan secara rasminya pada 06 Januari 2012 (Jumaat) tepat jam 4 petang di Dewan KDCA, Penampang, Sabah.

STAR Sabah dipengerusikan oleh Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.

Pemilihan STAR sebagai platform politik memperjuangkan AGENDA BORNEO bertepatan dengan slogan Unity is Duty yang dilaung-laungkan beliau untuk menyatupadukan Sabahan dan Sarawakian dalam usaha menuntut dikembalikan HAK kemerdekaan Sabah dan Sarawak dalam Persekutuan Malaysia.

Sesuai dengan namanya, Parti Reformasi Negeri atau STAR, berhasrat untuk melakukan reformasi bukan sahaja kerajaan tetapi terlebih penting melakukan reformasi terhadap sistem pemerintahan, sistem penyampaian (delivery system) dan dasar-dasar kerajaan supaya lebih telus dan mesra rakyat.

Manifesto Parti akan diumumkan dalam masa terdekat ini untuk memberi lebih kefahaman mengenai halatuju dan perjuangan parti dalam mendepani Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 kelak.

Matlamat Parti STAR

STAR wujud kerana mengambil berat terhadap masa depan negara Sabah dan rakyatnya. Kita harus selamatkan Negara kita daripada jajahan pihak luar yang menguasai kerajaan Sabah.


* Membentuk Kerajaan Sabah
* Memulihkan Hak-hak dan Autonomi Sabah
* Memulihkan Keyakinan Rakyat
* Melaksanakan Reformasi, Menyelesaikan Permasalahan
   serta Memajukan Sabah



Better for Oil Price to Decline to USD20 And Preserve Resources?

“There are many benefits for Malaysians if the world oil price drops to USD20 per barrel” said Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, Sabah STAR Chief, agreeing with the public who have started talks that it is better for the oil price to decline to USD20 so that the oil and gas extraction from Sabah will stop and reserved for future generations.

Global oil industry players and analysts have opined that the global oil price could drop to USD20 at any time.   Even the head of the World Bank seems to think that that the world price could be as low as USD10 to USD15 per barrel.

On the oil producers’ side, Saudi Arabia thinks that the oil price will only rise to USD70 in 2020, which is another long 5 years more.

From midnight 31 December 2015, the government lowered the pump petrol price by 10sen to RM1.85 per litre which works out to RM294.126 per 42 gallon barrel or USD68.40 at an exchange rate of USD1 to RM4.30.   In Houston, Texas, an oil producing State in USA, the pump price is only USD1.49 to USD1.52 per gallon which works out to RM1.69 to RM1.73 per litre which is much lower than Malaysia and makes one wonder why is it so?

If the oil price is USD20, generally, ordinary Malaysians will benefit from such low oil price.  Obviously, pump petrol prices could drop to RM1.00 per litre and all costs related to oil will be cheaper compared to the current prices.   Transportation and costs of transport for goods and services should be the first beneficiaries of low petrol prices.

The low oil prices will also impact a host of other consumer related items and services.   This will in turn reduce costs of living which recent increases, many of which are caused by government policies and decisions, have burdened the ordinary citizens.

However, a very important and unseen benefit will be that the low oil prices will reduce profitability and will probably cause Petronas and the federal government to stop or at least reduce the pumping of oil from Sabah and Sarawak.   Thus, the precious and depleting oil and gas resources, which was stated to run out in Sarawak in 25 years, will be left preserved for the benefit of future generations of Malaysians.

The hijacking of Sabah and Sarawak’s oil and gas resources since 1976 have seen little benefit for Sabahans and Sarawakians and have only benefited by way of much infrastructural development in Malaya.

“The people are right in talking of preserving Sabah’s oil and gas resources for future Sabahans” emphasized Dr. Jeffrey.

“Of course, the low oil prices will have negative implications too” added Dr. Jeffrey.

First and foremost, Malaysia will have lower national revenues as it depends some 40% of its national income from oil and gas and related industries.    Petronas alone contributed more than RM61 billion in 2014 and about RM45 billion in 2015 due to the drop in oil prices.   

The national budget for 2016 is based on world oil price at USD48 per barrel.  However, yesterday, the CEO of British Petroleum (BP) could hit record lows in 2016 which closed at about USD37.60 for Brent Crude on the last day of 2015.  

The drop in national revenues will impact the government’s spending.    But on the other hand, the reduced income will hopefully see a reduction in the amount of wastages through corruption and excessive spending by the government and their political leaders.

Apart from Petronas’ reserves, very little is left for future Malaysians from the hundreds of billions, if not trillions, that have been squandered by the BN government.

In comparison, Malaysians should take note that Norway’s sovereign wealth fund has become the biggest in the world, surpassing the Middle East nations, with an estimated reserve of more than USD813 billion currently.    Norway has transformed its oil production to monetary and financial wealth held transparently and with accountability so much so that each Norwegian at birth is already a millionaire from its North Sea oil wealth, pumped out long before his or her birth.

Ordinary Malaysians have almost nothing from the nation’s oil wealth.  To top it all, Malaysia now has its national debt at its highest level, more than RM800 billion.  For Sabahans, it’s a nightmare, having produced more than 50% of Malaysia’s oil and yet the poorest in the country.  Perhaps, it is high time to ponder a change of government while hoping for further drops in world oil prices to keep their oil and gas from being further siphoned to fund Malaya’s development?

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, STAR Sabah
03 January 2016

Oil prices could hit record lows in 2016, says BP chief
Published: 2 January 2016 9:44 PM
Prices have particularly slumped since December 4 when the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries decided against limiting production as members fight to keep market share. – Reuters pic, January 2, 2016.

Struggling oil producers could suffer even more pain in 2016 with further plunges in already record-low prices, BP Chief Executive Bob Dudley warned today.

"A low point could be in the first quarter," Dudley told BBC radio.

Oil prices fell by 34% in 2015, battered by prolonged global oversupply and a slowdown in energy-hungry China's economy.

Dudley predicted that prices could stabilise towards the end of the year, but would remain low for the forseeable future.

"Prices are going to stay lower for longer, we have said it and I think we are in this for a couple of years. For sure, there is a boom-and-bust cycle here," Dudley said.

Prices have particularly slumped since December 4 when the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries decided against limiting production as members fight to keep market share.

Potentially adding to the supply worries was action by the US Congress last month to end the 40-year-old ban on exports of crude oil produced in the country. – AFP, January 2, 2016.

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